Kalamazoo Animal Rescue
Volunteer Application Form

Volunteer Application Form

If your browser has problems with this form, send us an email and be sure to provide contact information (email, home address, phone).

Please note the following prior to filling out this application:

  • Kalamazoo Animal Rescue is an all-volunteer animal rescue organization.
  • You must fill out ALL applicable information.
  • Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult KAR volunteer (This application is designed for the adult).
  • KAR does not provide volunteer opportunities to fulfill community service requirements.
  • By filling out this application you give the Kalamazoo Animal Rescue the right to run a criminal background check with the information you provide.

*Your Name:
*Do you have a current drivers license?:
Please note it is a requirement of KAR to have any vehicle used for KAR business to be properly licensed, tagged and insured at all times and be operated by a licensed driver.
Yes No
*Date of Birth:
State: Zip:
*Phone Number:
Phone Type:
Home Cell Work
Best Time to Call:
Morning Afternoon Evening Anytime
*Email Address:
Do you have regular access to email?
(Note that most volunteer communication is done through email)
Yes No
What is your age range?
18-25 26-35 36-49 50-64 65+
Work Status (Check all that apply)?
Student Work Part-time Work Full-Time Retired Other
If you are a STUDENT, do you live in the area year round?
Yes No N/A
If you are EMPLOYED, how many hours per week do you work?
How much time are you available to volunteer on a monthly basis?
Do you intend to serve as a volunteer for at least one year? If no, for how long?
Please note: KAR requires a minimum 6 month commitment

How did you hear about the Kalamazoo Animal Rescue?
Online Newspaper Pet Store Previously Adopted from KAR

Volunteer Referral (name of volunteer who referred you:)
Are you willing to attend all required training (1 hour orientation, foster training (if applicable), and other as needed)?
Yes No
Why are you interested in volunteering with Kalamazoo Animal Rescue? Do you have a preference of working with cats or dogs? (required)
Do you have any Experience with other volunteer organizations? If yes, please describe
No Yes
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If yes, please explain.
Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of animal cruelty or neglect? If yes, please explain.
Yes No
Please check all the areas that you might be interested in helping us with:
Meet and care for our office cats, including: socialization, fresh food and water, cleaning cages, and scooping litter boxes.
Screening/Adoption Counselor Team - Helping to find animals (cats and dogs) the perfect home by screening pet applications.
Web Team: click here to read the Web Team mission
Fundraising Team: click here to read the Fundraising Team mission
Marketing/Communications Team: Internal and external marketing and communications for the Rescue, including e-newsletters, social media publications, and developing marketing strategies for various Rescue events and available animals (cats and dogs). click here for the Marketing/Advertising Team mission
Grant Writing & Research – Research and write grants to benefit KAR. Requires excellent writing skills and self-motivation.
Fostering. Temporarily provide housing for the rescue animals (cats and dogs).***
***If you are interested in fostering an animal, please continue this application so that we can get a better understanding of your ability to foster:
Do you own or rent your current residence? If you rent, please provide landlord's contact information.

How long have you lived at this residence?
How many rooms are in your household?

Do you have a space in your home to quarantine a foster animal? That is, the animal would be separate from other animals in the house but would still have adequate space to move freely – usually 2 weeks or longer. (Selecting “no” will not automatically disqualify you from fostering.)

Is everyone in your household interested in having a foster animal in the home?

How many people live in your home and what are their ages?
Does anyone in your home suffer from allergies?

Please describe any pets living in your home. Please list type of pet (cat/dog/etc.), breed (if known), and approximate age for each animal.

Type of Animal

If you have or have had pets recently, please list your veterinarian’s information:

If you have any dogs living in your household, please check all that apply:

- Please describe outside shelter:

If you have any cats living in your household, please check all that apply:

What type of animal(s) would you be willing to foster? Check all that apply:

Are you willing to allow a KAR volunteer access to your home for a home visit as part of foster training?


By checking this box, you affirm that all of the information on this volunteer application is complete and correct.


Team Mission Statements


Website Team Mission: return to application
The Website Team exists to support Kalamazoo Animal Rescue's website by
maintaining, improving, and updating content. These efforts include troubleshooting
problems, keeping content up to date, improving processes for KAR fosters, and
actively portraying KAR to the community through our website.

1. Maintain highly functional website
2. Provide technical support for the website to KAR volunteers and the public.
3. Update public content on a weekly/monthly basis to keep website looking
4. Improve rescue processes to help lessen workload for volunteers.
5. Store and house KAR documentation for volunteers to access and download.
6. Support Cat and Dog teams by maintaining their respective areas with content
that is useful and necessary.




Advertising & Marketing Team Mission: return to application
To effectively market Kalamazoo Animal Rescue both internally and externally to
greater public and ensure that our values and policies are truly represented.
Ultimately the aim is to gain more exposure than our competitors and find more
homes for our animals or donations.

1. Contact person for all businesses and the media
2. Provide weekly and monthly ‘Pet of the Week’ advertisements local press.
3. Provide monthly updates to the Gazette regarding our events for their
Community Calendar.
4. Oversee and organize the e-newsletter generate stories and compile all
articles with team
5. Find businesses willing to sponsor advertising ventures
6. Work with person from cat and dog teams to decide on animals to be
7. Work with cat and dog teams to decide on best marketing strategies.





Fundraising Team Mission: return to application
To raise general, and dedicated monetary funds to support the efforts of
Kalamazoo Animal Rescue. To be a coordinator, and point of contact for internal
and external fundraising efforts. These efforts include, but are not limited to, efundraising,
seasonal fundraisers, yearly appeal letters, large and small events
held throughout the Greater Kalamazoo Area. The team shall be highly aligned
with the Events Team, and supports the function, and mission of the Advertising
and Marketing Team.

1. Be a main point of contact between public fundraising efforts, and the
Organization as a whole
2. Communicate fundraising information to the Advertising & Marketing
Team and the Board of Directors.
3. Create, schedule, and manage fundraising efforts for the Organization.
4. Communicate openly with other local Animal welfare groups so as to
not hinder other fundraising efforts.
5. Manage e-fundraising including, but not limited to eScrip Harding’s
Program, iGive, and Goodsearch, and provide information regarding all
of the above to the Web and Advertising & Marketing Teams for
publication on the KAR website.
6. Work closely with the Treasurer, to track fundraising income,
expenses, feasibility, and profitability.
7. Assist wherever possible in the coordination of the Annual Dinner




©1991-2024 Kalamazoo Animal Rescue